Toddler Program
The Toddler program offers children ages 2 years 0 months through 2 years 11 months a unique opportunity for development in a supportive, respectful environment.
Classes meet for three hours, two days per week or three days per week.
The program offers basic age-appropriate Montessori works to encourage separation from parents, development of concentration, coordination, and good work habits.
Children’s House
The Children’s House is a unique preschool experience; it is a complete program through the kindergarten year. Children construct knowledge by interacting with the environment. The prepared environment includes practical life, sensorial, art, language, cosmic (geography & science), and math areas. Children also enjoy extracurricular activities: Spanish language and culture, physical education and music classes. There is ample opportunity for outdoor activities such as gardening and playground.
Classes meet for three hours/five days per week. All the materials in the room can be geared up or down to the child’s age and skill level. The child completes an entire work cycle before moving on to the next. A child may watch another work or ask to join another’s work.
Elementary education for grades one through six in a multi-age setting. Classes meet seven and a half hours per day/five days per week.
The curriculum includes mathematics, language arts, geometry, geography, history, biology, science, art, music, foreign language, and physical education. Children are encouraged to research and write papers on topic study. They are also encouraged to become part of the local and global community. They experience a warm, inviting classroom; dedicated, enlightened teachers; personal challenges; and the complex dynamics of a multi-age group.